
About Me
Choosing Better Stores

When it comes to making sure that you are shopping at the right places, being able to accurately evaluate price, selection, and quality are crucial. Unfortunately, because so many people don't know how to do this, shopping can become frustrating, which is why I decided to make this blog. I wanted to create a great resource for other people who have to shop frequently so that you can enjoy tips and tricks of the trade. Check out this blog for great information about choosing new products, checking the quality, and getting a great price. You never know, this blog could save you a lot of money in the long run.


The Benefits Of Steel Toe Boots

20 October 2017
 Categories: Shopping, Blog

If you are in the market for a new pair of boots, then you may want to give some thought to steel toe boots. They have a lot of good features to them that make them a great choice for many people. Here are some of the nice parts of owning steel toe boots and learning about these can help you determine whether they are right for you. Steel toe boots may be required in some industries Read More …

Six Mistakes To Avoid When You’re Caring For A Leather Jacket

28 September 2017
 Categories: Shopping, Blog

Leather looks great and is very fashionable in a jacket design. However, it also can be fragile and needs to be cared for to avoid damage through the years. The following are six mistakes to avoid when you're caring for a leather jacket: Never reading the label for cleaning and care instructions While there are some general care instructions that can be followed with leather, the best source of information on how you should do cleaning is the jacket label itself. Read More …

4 Ways To Give Your Home Exterior That 50’s Retro Charm

15 August 2017
 Categories: Shopping, Blog

If you've recently purchased a home that was constructed in the 1950s and want to restore the exterior to authentic mid-century style, you're in luck -- there are plenty of available strategies designed to make your home appear as if it's still the 1950s on the outside while the home interior has all the ultra-modern conveniences enjoyed by today's homeowners. Following are just four of the many ways to provide the outside of your home with that charming 50s flavor: Read More …

Getting The Best Performance From Your Company’s Branded Polo Shirts

25 July 2017
 Categories: Shopping, Blog

Keeping your employees looking their best is an important aspect of ensuring that your clients and customers get a positive impression from your employees. Investing in branded polo shirts can be an excellent way of providing your employees with high-quality uniforms, but you should incorporate a few practices when it comes to your uniforms. Opt For Embroidery The way that you have your logo put on the polo shirts will play a major role in determining their longevity. Read More …

Bathroom Countertop Always A Mess? 3 Tips To Keep It More Organized

21 June 2017
 Categories: Shopping, Blog

It is easy to leave everything out on a bathroom countertop, especially when you are in a hurry getting ready for work or to go out. If your bathroom countertop always seems to be messy there are many things you can do to keep it more organized, three of which are listed below. Declutter The first thing you should do is to declutter the countertop. For example, if you have a lot of bottles of lotion, body spray, hair spray, etc. Read More …